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Tag: Mobile App Development

8 Posts

Top 10 mobile app development trends in 2023

As we enter into 2023, the mobile app development industry continues to evolve rapidly. With ongoing advancements in technology, the emergence of new devices, and ever-evolving user needs, mobile app development trends are shifting towards new and exciting areas. In this era, where smartphones have become an essential part of our daily lives, the demand […]

How To Price Your Subscription Mobile App?

You’ve built a great app and you’re ready to launch it to the world. But there’s one last thing you need to do before you can start raking in the cash; you need to price your app. Deciding how to price your app is a tricky task that requires careful consideration of multiple factors, especially […]

Why Mobile App Onboarding is Important?

As mobile app usage becomes more widespread, it’s important for developers to create an onboarding experience that helps new users get up to speed quickly and effectively. An effective mobile app onboarding flow, will introduce the key features of the app and guide users through its core functionality. Onboarding is especially important for mobile apps […]

Why Crowdfunding can be a Great Way to Get Your Tech Startup off the Ground?

mobile app development in australia

Crowdfunding can be a great way to get your tech start-up off the ground, but what are the different options available? In Australia, there are four main types of crowdfunding: equity-based, debt-based, reward-based, and donation-based. In this blog post we will discuss three of the four crowdfunding options available; Equity crowdfunding Debt crowdfunding Reward-based crowdfunding […]

Why You Should Launch Your App With Minimum Viable Product?

Many startups waste precious time and money by working in the wrong order: they want to perfect the product before they establish the viability of the product concept. Many app entrepreneurs start with what they think customers want, argue over what they think customers value, and, after months or years of hard work, spending tens […]