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Tag: App Build

4 Posts

Why Product Strategy Fail — And How Great Companies Avoid These Traps

Product Strategy

Product strategy sounds like a straightforward concept. Build a roadmap, set goals, deliver features. But in the real world — especially with tech startups— strategy failure is alarmingly common. Even the smartest teams, with brilliant engineers and cutting-edge technology, can still get product strategy very wrong. This isn’t about “bad ideas” or “weak teams.” In […]

How To Build Your Mobile App In 3 Steps

how-to-build-mobile-app-in-3 steps

Did you wake up this morning with an idea for a great mobile app? Did you just spend 30 minutes on the app store trying to find a specific app but no one has been able to do it right? People come to Appomate with a mixture of wonderful, crazy or innovative ideas for developing an app […]

Why App Prototyping: See It Before You Build It (SB4UB)

  Mobile App Prototyping Everyone has got a great mobile app idea, but it’s quite challenging to do market research and raise funds for your app idea. At Appomate, we understood that this a common problem faced by app entrepreneurs so we designed an approach called See It Before You Build It (SB4UB). (SB4UB) helps app entrepreneurs get […]