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115 Posts

How Influencer Marketing Can Help Promote Your Mobile App?


With the extensive usage of Social media apps – influencer marketing has become the go-to marketing strategy for promoting your mobile app businesses. If you are reading this blog, we assume that you have already developed an app for your startup and shifting your focus from production to promotion mode. Your app may be brilliant […]

7 App Monetization​ Strategies for your Mobile App Business

7 app monetization strategies mobile app business

If you are an App entrepreneur/developer/marketer, it is necessary for you to know the top 7 App Monetization strategies to grow your mobile app Business. In this blog, we dive deep into the different app monetization models available. By doing this, we also discuss which app monetization models are popular among the world’s most successful […]

App Virality: Get Your Existing Users Advertise Your App

  App Virality – Every marketer dreams that his marketing campaign goes viral. The most successful apps are the ones that spread like a virus. They leveraged their existing users to advertise the app to new users. The concept of ‘Viral marketing’ was first popularised by Hotmail in 1995 when they put “‘PS: I love […]

Xamarin vs PhoneGap: Which Cross Platform​​​ Software is right for You?

As Startup founder or developer, we always had this question? Which cross-platform software is right for my app/app business? With the increasing trend in using cross-platform software, Xamarin and PhoneGap seem to top the charts. This is definitely because of two reasons: The developer can create one source code for an app, which the platform then converts [...]

5 Key Approaches: How to develop my Idea into an App

In the current app-economy, where everyone either has or is developing an app that is “the next BIG THING,” it is helpful to understand some of the most common ways to get started in developing your idea into an app. The following are five different approaches to getting your app idea kick-started. Learn to code Yes, […]