Do you have a mobile app idea, feeling like the app tech world is completely out of your mind?

Or maybe your app idea is still an abstract dream and not quite tangible just yet…

You’re not alone.

When you feel like you have an incredible app idea that you believe will make a true impact in the world, it’s difficult to know which steps to take.

You may be looking around and talking to developers – and not super clear on the exact features of the app just yet.

The confusing tech and code jargon may overwhelm you.

Also – you may be asking yourself how the market will actually respond to your app idea or have full confidence it will work.

As you may agree – there’s a lot at stake in early stage app development from cost and time point of view.

If you’re feeling stuck – our App Prototyping Method called “See It Before You Build It” is for you.

Imagine if you could actually touch and visually see your mobile app in real-time without wasting unnecessary money and writing a single line of code….

Having worked with some of Australia’s most prolific brands, such as Adidas, Loreal and Hoyts – our App Prototyping Tool helps you define your idea in more detail – and solves the specifics before taking any further often scary steps.

The reason why our method is so great is that it’s like having a full 3D model or snapshot of your dream house, without having to actually build it.

You can then take it to your friends and family and ask for honest feedback before building the app in full detail.

You can build exactly what your customers want, NOT what you think they want.

Our simple tool helps you bring your sketches to life – which then we can tell you exactly how much and how long it will take to build:

  • Helps you document and define your idea in exact detail, understand the problem you want to solve and help you solve the specifics of your app – so you don’t have to worry about whether it’s going to actually work!

  • Documents every single thing that needs to go into your app in full detail – without having to stress over understanding app coding.

  • Interactive experience that allows you to see your app with the right fonts, buttons, colours and features – so anyone can look at it, including your friends and family!

  • After you do our 3D App Prototyping Method – we will then tell you how much it will cost to build and how long – so you feel great knowing the full scope of the project!

  • Confidence and clarity and know exactly what to do next – communicated in plain language not tech jargon, which saves an incredible amount of time!

  • Take your App prototype to potential investors with confidence – which increases your chances of getting funding by 1000%!

Doing this process helps us to discover potential roadblocks and challenges that may lie ahead….


The App Prototyping Method allowed us to see exactly what is going to be built. The whole process was so engaging and exciting to see something abstract in our mind come to life. We were able to take it to our potential clients and sell it before building it. We wouldn’t do it any other way.” John, Founder, Bluwayle.

“I didn’t know anything about apps and tech. Appomate team involved me so closely in this process and I was able to see, touch, interact my idea in just 4 weeks. It gave me the clarity and confidence to move to the next step of building it. I would recommend this to anyone with an app idea as their first step. ” Chantelle, Founder,

What to do next?

Book in a FREE 30-minute discovery call with our team to see if our “See It Before You Build It” App Prototyping Method is right for you based on your needs, and what stage you are with your app idea.

You will no longer have to suffer from the often frustrating and confusing experience in the app development world.

Create your purpose-driven and profitable app TODAY by taking the next step and entering your details below to book in a time!