Setting Up Your Startup for Success: Legal Foundations and Company Structures

Starting a business is an exciting journey filled with potential and opportunities. However, laying the right legal foundation is crucial to ensure long-term success and protect your assets. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the various ways to set up your company, the legal considerations you need to keep in mind, and the best practices for structuring your business, especially if you plan to raise capital in the future.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Company Structure

The structure of your company serves as the foundation of your business. It’s akin to building a house – you need a solid base to support everything that comes afterward. There are several ways to structure your organisation, and each comes with its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks.

Sole Trader and Partnership

For those just starting out, operating as a sole trader might seem like the simplest option. You get an Australian Business Number (ABN) and begin trading. If you have a business partner, you might consider a partnership where both parties operate similarly to sole traders but share the responsibilities and liabilities. However, these structures offer limited protection. In the event of a legal issue, your personal assets could be at risk. This is why most serious businesses opt for a company structure, which provides a separate legal identity from its owners.

Advantages of Sole Trader and Partnership:

  • Simple and inexpensive to set up.
  • Complete control over business decisions (sole trader).
  • Shared responsibilities and skills (partnership).


  • Unlimited liability, meaning personal assets are at risk.
  • Difficult to raise capital.
  • Potential for disputes in partnerships.

The Company Structure

A company is a separate legal entity that can own property, incur debt, and be sued. It has its own bank account, shareholders, and directors. This separation limits the liability of the shareholders and directors, protecting their personal assets from business risks.

Single Company Structure

In a single company structure, all founders and investors hold shares in one company. This company handles all business operations, employs staff, signs contracts, and owns intellectual property (IP). While straightforward, this structure can expose all assets to risk if the company faces legal issues.

Advantages of Single Company Structure:

  • Simplified administration.
  • Clear and direct ownership and management structure.
  • Easier to manage finances and operations within one entity.


  • All assets are exposed to potential risks.
  • Less flexibility for separating different business operations.

Dual Company Structure

A more sophisticated setup, particularly if you plan to raise investment, is the dual company structure. This involves creating a holding company and an operating company. The holding company owns valuable assets like IP and significant funds, while the operating company handles daily business activities. This structure provides an additional layer of liability protection.

Advantages of Dual Company Structure:

  • Increased protection of valuable assets.
  • Separation of liabilities between operating activities and asset ownership.
  • Flexibility to create multiple operating subsidiaries under the holding company.


  • More complex and costly to set up and maintain.
  • Requires careful management of intercompany transactions.

Example: If a customer sues the operating company, the holding company’s assets remain protected. As your business expands, this structure allows you to create multiple operating subsidiaries under the holding company, providing flexibility and added security.

Hybrid Trust Structure

For founders seeking even greater protection, the hybrid trust structure combines the dual company setup with personal trusts for each founder. This setup reduces personal liability between founders and can offer tax advantages. Trusts hold the founders’ shares in the holding company, shielding personal assets from business risks and legal disputes.

Advantages of Hybrid Trust Structure:

  • Maximum protection of personal and business assets.
  • Potential tax benefits.
  • Flexibility in managing ownership and succession planning.


  • Highly complex and expensive to establish and maintain.
  • Requires detailed legal and financial advice.

Example: Trusts hold the founders’ shares in the holding company, ensuring personal assets are shielded from business risks and legal disputes. This structure is particularly useful for high-growth startups expecting significant investment and legal scrutiny.

Transitioning Between Structures

Many founders start with a simpler structure like a single company and transition to more complex structures as they grow. This approach allows them to manage costs and administrative burdens initially while setting up for future growth.

From Single Company to Dual Company: It’s common for startups to begin with a single company structure and later introduce a holding company. This transition can be administratively intensive, requiring migration of assets, contracts, and accounts. However, the benefits of additional liability protection and structural flexibility often outweigh these challenges.

Incorporating Trusts: Founders may also choose to incorporate trusts later in their business journey to benefit from additional tax advantages and personal liability protection. This involves transferring shares to the trust, which can be complex and may have tax implications.

Conclusion: Choosing the right company structure is a critical step in establishing a successful startup. Whether you start as a sole trader, a partnership, or opt for a more complex structure like a dual company or hybrid trust, understanding the implications of each can help you make an informed decision. At Appomate, we help app founders navigate these complexities, ensuring they build a strong legal foundation for their business. With the right support, you can focus on bringing your innovative ideas to life, confident that your business is on solid ground