Mobile is the perfect example of how technology can revolutionize businesses. With a mobile app, startups can connect to their customers in an entirely new and innovative way. However, app development is both complex and expensive – two factors that startups with limited resources often struggle to accommodate.

Appomate is a Melbourne-based mobile app development company that offers a cost-effective alternative for startups who want to launch their app quickly and efficiently. We specialize in the development of native apps for Android and iOS devices, using cutting-edge technologies like React Native, Flutter, Kotlin/Java and Swift/Objective C.

Our team has years of experience in mobile app development, helping companies bring their app ideas from concept to completion in one to three months. We will work closely with you during each step of the app development process, providing a tailored mobile app solution that meets the unique needs of your business.

Our Process in steps:

1. See Before you build process:

app development in melbourne

Appomate works with start-ups by validating their idea and designing their prototype within the first few weeks. In this time all the ideas, details and functionalities of your app will be considered, analysed and translated as we work closely with our team of developers to produce a working prototype that will be tested and improved.

Our App Prototyping Method called “See It Before You Build It” is for you. Imagine if you could touch and visually see your mobile app in real-time without wasting unnecessary money and writing a single line of code. This initial step in our process helps bring your ideas to life, after which we can tell you exactly how much and how long it will take to build:

Our SBUB prototyping method:

  1. Helps you document and define your idea in exact detail, understand the problem you want to solve and help you solve the specifics of your app – so you don’t have to worry about whether it’s going to actually work!
  2. Documents every single thing that needs to go into your app in full detail – without having to stress over understanding app coding.
  3. Is an interactive experience that allows you to see your app with the right fonts, buttons, colours and features – so anyone can look at it, including your friends and family!
  4. After completing our 3D App Prototyping Method, we will then tell you how much it will cost to build and for how long – so you feel great knowing the full scope of the project!
  5. You gain confidence and clarity and know exactly what to do next – communication in plain language not tech jargon, which saves an incredible amount of time!

Take your App prototype to potential investors with confidence – which increases your chances of getting funding by 1000%!

Doing this process helps us to discover potential roadblocks and challenges that may lie ahead and prepare a plan to handle them cost & time effectively.

2. Dedicated Full Stack Team

With the approval of the prototype in hand, as our next step, we allocate dedicated developers to your apps development. We are very proud to have more than 50 full-stack developers on board within our company. This allows us to allocate multiple dedicated full-time developers to a single project, allowing us to complete coding tasks quickly and efficiently – no matter how challenging a project may be! With our dedicated mobile app developers on hand, you can be sure that you’ll hit the deadlines for any project with ease and speed unparalleled by any other team in the industry. Transform your coding projects with our incomparable level of speed and precision!

3. Server-less Backend Technology

We use cross-platform technology called Flutter, as well as server-less development using Firebase that helps with quick deployment of your application.

Server-less development is a method of developing applications without the use of a server, allowing us to build faster and more efficient apps. Not only are these backend hosting providers highly scalable and manageable, but the costs are also very low compared to traditional hosting solutions or maintaining your own servers. This makes it an attractive option for start-ups who do not have a lot of funding, as they may be able to manage their overhead costs while still building their product by using these services.

Cross-platform technology allows us to develop your application for both android and IOS devices in a short amount of time. The concept of cross-platform development is that a software application or product should function well in more than one digital environment. This capability is typically pursued in order to sell software that supports more than one proprietary operating system, such as Microsoft and Apple platforms. Some fundamental cross-platform development strategies include compiling different versions of the same program for different operating systems, or in other cases, using sub-tree files to apply or fit the product to different operating systems. Application programming interfaces (APIs) can also be used by developers to adapt software to a specific platform. In general, cross-platform development can reduce the efficiency of a program. It may, for example, necessitate redundant processes or file storage folders for the various systems that it is expected to support. It may also be necessary to “dumb down” a program to accommodate less sophisticated software environments. However, in many cases, software developers realised that the limitations of cross-platform development are worth overcoming in order to provide an application or product to a larger group of users.

Using cross-platform technology and server-less development, allows us to save 30-50% of time developing, compared to traditional custom development.

4. Rapid Agile Development Methodology

Our third step involves rapid agile development where we do the whole development in weekly or fortnightly sprints. Agile development is a software development methodology that follows an iterative and incremental process where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organising, cross-functional teams. The following are five advantages of Agile methodology:

  • High-quality products
  • Increased client satisfaction
  • Increased project management control
  • Reduced threats
  • Increased return on investment

In traditional software development, the project manager is responsible for creating a detailed overview of anticipated requirements and adhering to them throughout the development process. It adds time to the traditional development process.

By contrast, the Agile model requires regular check-ups throughout the cycle, meaning the project’s owner can make changes as necessary. The development process is iterative, with frequent checkpoints. If any problems arise, team members can experiment with and resolve them. Throughout the software development life cycle, users can monitor the status of their projects. It’s all about iterative planning, which makes it extremely easy to adapt to changing requirements.

Delivering business value early in the process also mitigates development risks. Numerous Agile SDLC approaches exist, including Scrum, Kanban, and Scrumban. All of these are directed towards a single objective – continuous improvement, adaptability, team input, and the delivery of high-quality results. Using this agile development approach, start-ups will be able to see the working version of their product on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

5. Using Default SDK’s

As our final step to quickly add functionality and features to your app, while still maintaining a high quality of workmanship, we leverage existing default components and SDKs. These resources allow us to accelerate the development process by eliminating time intensive manual tasks such as creating custom login/logout or chat systems from scratch. For example, when needing integrated chat capabilities within our apps we utilise offerings like CometChat which provide robust services that complete this task with ease. Likewise using RevenueCat for subscription management streamlines development processes allowing us to focus on building great products faster than ever before!

In summary, our process enables us to reduce the number of development days for a project from 100 to 60. Furthermore, by committing 3 full-time developers, we are able to deliver projects with an output equivalent of 100 days in just 20 – representing a remarkable time saving!

Why choose Appomate?

This year alone, Appomate has been ranked within Sydney & Melbourne’s top 3 app developers by both Clutch and Manifest. We have extensive experience in mobile app development and continue to deliver high-quality mobile apps on time and within budget.

At Appomate, we believe that mobile applications should be accessible to everyone – not just big businesses with large budgets. We strive to make the mobile app development process as straightforward and transparent as possible so you can launch your mobile app in record time without compromising on quality or features.

Whether you’re a start-up looking for an efficient solution, or an established business needing more features – if you’re looking for a reliable mobile app development partner in Melbourne, look no further than Appomate.

Get in touch with us today and get started on your dream app project!