How to Set Up Your Email in Outlook Using GoDaddy or Crazy Domainsprayer

Setting up your email in Outlook with a domain registered through GoDaddy or Crazy Domains can be done seamlessly by following these steps. This guide incorporates detailed instructions to ensure you get your email up and running smoothly.

Step 1: Register Your Domain

First, ensure your domain is registered with either GoDaddy or Crazy Domains. Keep your login credentials handy, as you’ll need them during the setup.

Step 2: Sign Up for Microsoft 365

To start, you need to sign up for Microsoft 365, which integrates well with Outlook. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit Microsoft 365: Go to the Microsoft 365 sign-up page.
  2. Choose a Plan: Select the Basic Plan and choose the option to try it free for one month. This will allow you to set up your account without upfront payment.
  3. Set Up Your Account: Use your domain name (e.g., to create your account.

Step 3: Verify Your Domain and Configure DNS Settings

For GoDaddy Users:

  1. Microsoft 365 will detect that your domain is registered with GoDaddy. It will prompt you to log in to your GoDaddy account.
  2. Once logged in, Microsoft will guide you through updating the DNS records. This step ensures that your emails will be routed correctly through Outlook.
  3. Click “Verify” once prompted by Microsoft 365 to complete the domain verification process.

For Crazy Domains Users:

  1. After entering your domain details in Microsoft 365, log in to your Crazy Domains account.
  2. Manually update the DNS records as instructed by Microsoft 365. This may involve adding MX records, CNAME, and other necessary details to ensure proper email routing.
  3. Return to Microsoft 365 and click “Verify” to complete the domain verification process.

Step 4: Set Up Email in Outlook

Now that your domain is verified, you can set up your email in Outlook:

  1. Add Your Account: Open Outlook and go to File > Add Account.
  2. Enter Email Details: Type in your new email address (e.g., and follow the prompts to complete the setup.
  3. Verify Settings: Outlook will check the settings and add your email account to the program.

Step 5: Add Additional Users

If you need to set up additional email accounts for team members, follow these steps:

  1. In Microsoft 365, go to Active Users under the Users section.
  2. Click on Add User and enter the details for the new account (e.g.,
  3. Assign the necessary licenses, and Outlook will be ready to use with these accounts.

Step 6: Finalize DNS Records and Email Configuration

For GoDaddy Users:

  1. Go back to the DNS management section in Microsoft 365.
  2. Ensure all DNS records are correctly pointing to Microsoft’s servers. Once confirmed, your email should be fully operational in Outlook.

For Crazy Domains Users:

  1. Log in to Crazy Domains and ensure the DNS settings are correctly configured according to Microsoft’s instructions.
  2. Confirm that the email is properly routed through Outlook.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Private Browsing Mode: If you’re using a private browser window, you might encounter issues during setup. Try switching to a regular window.
  • Antivirus or Security Software: High-security work computers might have restrictions that could interfere with the setup. Ensure your antivirus software isn’t blocking Microsoft 365.


Whether you’re using GoDaddy or Crazy Domains, connecting your domain to Outlook via Microsoft 365 is an effective way to manage your professional communications. By following these detailed steps, your email will be up and running efficiently, with options to manage multiple users and accounts. If you run into issues, both Microsoft 365 and your domain registrar provide robust support to guide you through the process.