ReactJS, AngularJS & VueJS : Frameworks of JavaScript

With the introduction of web-based development platforms and progressive web apps (PWAs), JavaScript has become an integral part of modern web development. It serves as the bridge between HTML and CSS and helps developers to build interactive websites and apps with a more user-friendly interface. But with the advent of so many JavaScript frameworks like ReactJS, AngularJS, and VueJS, there’s a lot to unpack when it comes to understanding what makes a good JavaScript framework. In this article we will explore the four essential questions – who, what, when and why that you need to answer in order to make an informed decision about which framework best suits your needs.

Who Uses JavaScript Frameworks?

The use cases for each individual JavaScript framework vary depending on its intended purpose. Generally speaking, all three frameworks are popularly used by developers for one purpose or another; some more than others. For instance, ReactJS is commonly used by large organisations and companies due to its scalability advantage over other frameworks; it can handle high levels of data traffic seamlessly, making it attractive for larger projects that handle lots of data. On the other hand, AngularJS is typically preferred by smaller teams because it’s easier to learn and understand than other frameworks. Lastly, VueJS offers adaptability; allowing developers to customise their projects according to specific needs without compromising performance or quality.

What Are the Benefits of Using A JavaScript Framework?

Using a JavaScript framework provides several advantages that appeal to developers who want maximum efficiency while building complex applications. First off, they offer prebuilt components which can be easily integrated into existing code without adding new ones – helping speed up development time significantly. Additionally, they provide structure through templates and libraries which streamline development complexity and ensure uniformity across applications. This further boost productivity by cutting down on both coding time and effort required from developers. Furthermore, these frameworks also allow cross platform compatibility thanks to the use of custom tags that enable support for multiple platforms simultaneously – thus saving time from having to recode something from scratch every time an application must be adapted for a different application environment. Finally, but perhaps most importantly, intuitive syntax means less typos and errors during coding; reducing bugs at runtime as well as saving even more time in debugging processes during launch phases later on down the line!


Exploring the Differences Between ReactJS, Angular JS and VueJS

When it comes to JavaScript frameworks for web development, three of the most popular options are ReactJS, Angular JS, and VueJS. All three offer great advantages for developers when building complex applications — but each has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to functionality and performance. Understanding the differences between these three can help you make an informed decision about which is best suited for your particular project.



ReactJS is a library built by Facebook with components that communicate directly with the data layer (redux) – making it ideal for those who want maximum scalability when handling high levels of data traffic. It’s often used by larger companies because it offers more control over UI elements via its server-sided rendering; helping speed up page loading times significantly due to being able to pre-render certain parts of an app/website. Additionally, easy integration allows developers to quickly insert existing components into their code without having to write new ones from scratch – saving time overall.


Websites Built with React JS examples:

  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Salesforce



Angular JS is a framework created by Google that works on an MVC model which helps achieve faster development times by allowing developers to separate code into manageable chunks. This makes it easier to learn and understand than other frameworks — making it attractive for smaller teams who don’t have extensive coding experience but still need something reliable that won’t require a lot of maintenance later on down the line. Furthermore, this framework makes testing simpler since individual components can be tested separately before going live, therefore, reducing bugs at runtime!


Websites built with AngularJS examples: 


  • IBM
  • Upwork
  • PayPal
  • Forbes



VueJS is an open source progressive framework that focuses on delivering lightweight solutions while still providing maximum flexibility; particularly in terms of user interface customisations. Its intuitive syntax means faster coding speeds since there are fewer typos or errors during development, ultimately driving fewer bugs upon launch as well! Additionally, VueJS also offers Vuetify which provides pre-built components, allowing developers even more control over UI elements such as dialog boxes, colour schemes or animations, without needing full on recompilation processes, all while retaining top grade performance standards!



Websites built with Vue JS examples:

  • Behance
  • Nintendo
  • Wizzair
  • 9gag


ReactJS, AngularJS and VueJS: Exploring Pros and Cons of Popular JavaScript Frameworks

When it comes to modern web development, few technologies offer more flexibility than the three major JavaScript frameworks—React, Angular, and Vue. Since their respective releases in 2013, 2015, and 2014 these libraries have quickly become invaluable assets to developers worldwide who are looking to create robust user interfaces (UIs) with dynamic and interactive content. But how do they compare? Is there a clear winner among the three? Let’s take a closer look at the differences between each library and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each.


Released in 2013 by Facebook, React is an open-source all-in-one UI solution that allows developers to create seamlessly performant UIs for single page applications (SPAs). It works especially well for data-heavy applications because it allows for efficient rendering of elements on the page quickly as needed via virtualised DOM manipulation. By breaking down complex web applications into different components that can be passed around easily from place to place in an app’s lifecycle (URL routing), React helps simplify application architecture overall.

Pros of React:

  1. Easy to learn for developers familiar with HTML/CSS/JavaScript – no steep learning curve required!
  2. Highly efficient due to its advanced virtual DOM implementation; faster than conventional full page refreshes since it only modifies what needs changing instead of redrawing the entire page.
  3. Ideal for SPAs due to its efficient state management tool ‘Flux’ which allows developers to keep track of global application states without needing to refresh pages or manually update rendered elements after changes in data occur elsewhere on the site.
  4. Supports JSX which is a syntax extension that allows HTML within JavaScript code – making React easier to understand by providing visuality while coding.


  1. Can require extra effort when debugging; since components are written separately, then reconstructed together on the page through passing them between different stages along the app’s life cycle, debugging can become challenging if errors arise somewhere along this chain-of-events corridor.
  2. Often requires third party libraries in order to use specific features not included in core ecosystem – although this isn’t necessarily a bad thing as some popular options include Material UI or Semantic UI which provide great prebuilt components.


Angular was originally created by Google back in 2010 as an extension of HTML called AngularJS. In 2016 they released their complete rewrite 2nd version known simply as Angular which contains many improvements over its predecessor such as better modularity and an easier compilation process. As a opinionated framework (meaning it has certain requirements that must be followed by developers such as TypeScript being used instead of plain Vanilla JavaScript), it provides slightly less customisation compared to other frameworks like React but makes up for it with powerful built-in features such as two-way data binding support, automatic dependency injection, HTTP services, built-in directives etc that make developing full fledged web apps much simpler.

Pros :

1. Easier debugging with a sophisticated set of development tools shipped within the framework itself like Augury.

2. The dependency injection system simplifies code organisation and helps prevent code repeating while providing easy testing capabilities .

3. The built in two way data binding feature binds the model layer directly with the view layer meaning any changes made on one side will automatically be reflected onto the other without having users manually update elements after a state change occurs elsewhere on the website or app.


Cons :

1.  Steep learning curve compared to other frameworks because you’ll need to learn Typescript before getting started, plus its large size means longer initial loading times compared to other literature frameworks.

2.  Opinionated nature means there’s less freedom when writing code so it’s difficult to implement custom features if those features weren’t anticipated or thought possible during the design process beforehand.

3.  Unideal situations may arise where lots of data manipulation is required due to the lack of Virtual DOM implementation, which can cause performance issues when pages need to be kept updated constantly during user sessions.



VueJS was released by Evan You back 2014. This framework combines the best aspects from both worlds – offering the speed & flexibility from React combined with the friendly opinionated environment from Angular, thus creating a perfect balance between learner friendly environment ease & customisation, & scalability. Due to its light weight core library, small size & fast execution time, Vue can throw up webpages much quicker than either competitor – ideal for anything requiring maximum performance low latency streaming scenarios, such as gaming, object tracking, video APIs, etc.


Pros :

1. Lightweight core & small file sizes allow for minimum loading times under heavy traffic conditions, significantly improving overall performance and user experience as pages and applications load quickly and efficiently.

2. Ease of use due to high compatibility with HTML/CSS, whilst also allowing integration with VanillaJS ( plain javascript ) libraries, increasing scalability potential. Developers can therefore create scalable and efficient applications without having to waste time learning new technologies.

3. Faster development times and greater code maintainability due to its component-based system, making it easy to create reusable chunks of code that are able to be re-used in multiple parts of the application, at even the micro-level.



1. Opinionated nature can make feature customisation difficult since developers must work within a predefined set of rules and libraries.

2. Fewer job opportunities compared to React/Angular due to less overall popularity and usage across the industry.

3. Can be difficult to debug large applications due to its complex data binding features.


When Is It Best to Use Each Framework?

Each JavaScript framework has its strengths depending on what type of project you are developing. Whether it be mobile apps or websites, each framework offers something different that could benefit your particular project better than another would in certain scenarios. For instance; ReactJS is best suited for complex user interfaces or data-heavy single page applications (SPAs). Likewise AngularJS can be used as a go-to choice when creating simple applications quickly but still maintaining high levels of scalability (especially when leveraging Typescript). Lastly VueJS seems geared towards those looking for a lightweight solution with versatile customization options – making it perfect for rapidly developing lightweight prototypes or MVPs (minimum viable products).


Why Should You Choose Between These Frameworks?

It ultimately boils down to personal preferences; you should choose whichever one fits your unique needs best, after carefully considering all of the factors mentioned throughout this article. All three are simply tools at our disposal if and when we need them! That being said though: there certainly is some merit behind choosing just one rather than trying incorporate multiple frameworks into your workflows, since this can lead to inefficient use of resources due to conflicting coding styles across different frameworks. Our advice is to focus on mastering one rather than dabbling in many! Ultimately, what matters most is finding a balance between efficiency and ease of use (with minimal bugs) straight from the get go, versus flexibility within product lifecycles as requirements change over time. So, choose wisely depending on where your priority lies!

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